During Nov 2023 the implementers made some changes in the Breed Multiplication Scheme (RGM), Govt of India, launched during Oct 2021. The scheme continues till Oct 2026 unless withdrawn by GOI.
These changes are very relevant for the dairy farmers / entrepreneurs, aspiring for the BMS to establish BMF of 200/ 50 animals, adopting advance breeding and balanced feeding techniques, for producing high yielding disease-free heifers of cows and buffaloes in India. Figure 1 indicates the changes made in the capital allocations.
This is one its kind scheme, which is completely online and needs very limited support from technical service providers. From uploading applications, documents and getting approval from GOI, every steps are detailed under the scheme. Means very few technical support is needed till getting the application approved. Of course implementation needs lots of technical support from AH Department and dairy business consultant.
The applicant's of this scheme must keep one thing in their minds that the scheme is being implemented by NDDB (National Dairy development Board), an organization which works methodically and efficiently with strong commitments and dedication, hence only the genuine applicants, who really has the resources to manage large dairy farms on technical parameters, adopting advance breeding and balanced feeding techniques would succeed in getting sanctions from DAHD, GOI. I can confidently say this on the basis of my own experience of working in NDDB for 3 decades. My belief is further strengthened after seeing the returned BMF applications by the "Team scrutiny of NDDB". They are doing a great job.
Just to keep the aspirants informed about the recent changes, I have recently up-loaded 2 of my videos "Recent Changes in Breed Multiplication Scheme PART 1 & 2" on my YOU-TUBE handle @premkumarshrivastava8002. The links of these 2 videos are provided below for your convenience.
23.01.24- recent changes in BMS Part-1 Link: https://youtu.be/5DaudEEYUcY
23.01.24- recent changes in BMS Part-2 Link: https://youtu.be/BAIw_Cv8kho
I Dr PK Shrivastava, generally upload small videos for the benefits of the viewers, which could easily be forward. Very recently I have started uploading my own videos on my own YOU-TUBE handle for the benefits of the dairy farmers/ entrepreneurs. Prior to this, my videos and articles were being uploaded by M/s Agriculture information, Bangalore. Many videos on "Dairy Farm Business" are in the pipeline, waiting for upload. I request you to please subscribe my YOU TUBE channel handle @premkumarshrivastava8002 and help me keep achieve my objective to support dairy farmers/ entrepreneurs untiringly.
Dr PK Shrivastava
Dairy Business Consultant
M/s Dairy Consultancy, Bangalore (India)
Ph: +918073147467